- 1324 S. Flower St
- Los Angeles, CA 90015
- Tel: 213.663.1400
Mon - Fri 11:00AM - 4:00PM
Sat 11:00AM - 3:00PM
Closed Sunday
Drafting Supplies
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- Beam Compass
- Books
- Compass
- Curves
- Dividers
- Drafting Accessories
- Drafting Boards
- Drafting Tape/Dots
- Erasers
- Lead Holders
- Lead Pointers
- Lead Refills
- Paper Media
- Parallel Bars
- Pencils - Mechanical
- Pencils - Wooden
- Pens/Liners
- Pins
- Portfolios
- Protractors
- Rulers/Scales
- Sharpeners
- Storage
- Technical Pens
- Templates
- Triangles
- T-Squares
- Ultrasonic Cleaner
- How to order
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- Chartpak Markers
- Copic Markers
- Marvy Uchida
- OLO Premium Markers
- Posca
- Pica
- Printmaking
- Storage
Model Building Supplies
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- 3D printing Filament PLA
- 3M Bondo
- Acrylic Rods and Tubes
- Casting Materials
- Foam (Extruded Polystyrene)
- LEGO Architecture Sets
- Metal
- Paper and Board Materials
- Plastic Sheets
- Plastic Styrene Shapes
- Scale Cars
- Scale Landscaping Material
- Scale People
Tamiya Model Supplies
- God Hand
- God Hand Sg Series 01
- Tamiya Bottle Paints
- Tamiya Models
- Tamiya oil
Tamiya Paint Accessories
- Tamiya Airbrush Cleaner and Brushes
- Tamiya Cement
- Tamiya Cotton Swabs
- Tamiya Masking Tape
- Tamiya Palettes and Brushes
- Tamiya Panel Liner
- Tamiya Pipette Set
- Tamiya Polishing Compound Sponges
- Tamiya Primers
- Tamiya Putty
- Tamiya Sanding Sponges
- Tamiya Thinners
- Tamiya Tools and Accessories
- Tamiya Weathering Sets
- Tamiya Paint retarder
- Tamiya Spray Paints
- Transparency Film
- Warhammer Model Supplies
- Wood Material
- Worbla
Model Tools
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- 3m Masks
- Acrylic Solvent Cement (IPS Acrylic Glue)
- Aleene's Tacky Glue
- Best-Test Cement
- Cyanoacrylate (CA) Glues
- Decoupage Glue
- E6000
- Elmer Glues & Adhesives
- Foam Glues
- Glue Guns and Glue Sticks
- Hardman Epoxy
- Mod Podge
- PH Neutral Adhesive
- Sobo Premium Craft & Fabric Glue
- Spray Mounts
- Stick Glue
- Tape
- Titebond Glues & Adhesives
- Airbrushes
- Applicators
- Burnishers & Pounce Wheels
- Clamps
Clay Tools
Art Alternatives
- Art Alternatives Artist Work Knives
- Art Alternatives Boxwood Modeling Tools
- Art Alternatives Clay Tools sets
- Art Alternatives Clean-Up Tool
- Art Alternatives Double Ball Stylus Embossing Tool
- Art Alternatives Fettling Knife
- Art Alternatives Lace Tool
- Art Alternatives Professional Needle Tool
- Art Alternatives Puncher Set
- Art Alternatives Ribbon and Loop Sculpting Tools
- Art Alternatives Rubber Texture Combs Set
- Art Alternatives Scratch Wire Brush
- Art Alternatives Sculpting & Armature Wire
- Art Alternatives Stainless Steel Calipers
- Art Alternatives Stainless Steel Serrated Scraper
- Art Alternatives Wipe Out Tools
- Art Alternatives Wire Clay Cutter
- Plastic Modeling Tools
- Potter's Finishing Ribs
Art Alternatives
- Cleaners
- Cosplay tools
- Cutting Mats
- Cutting Rulers
- Drill Bits
- EchoTech Ultra Cutter Zo series
- Foamboard Cutters
- Grex
- Handle Knives
- Heaters
- Hinges
- Hot Wire Foam Factory
- Knives
- Measuring
- Mitre Box and Saw Blades
Paints and Primers
Acrylic Paint
Golden Acrylic Mediums
- Golden Acrylic Gloss Glazing Liquid
- Golden Acrylic Ground
- Golden Acrylic Polymers
- Golden Acrylic Varnishes
- Golden Acrylic Wetting Agents
- Golden Airbrush Medium
- Golden Clear Granular Gel
- Golden Clear Leveling Gel
- Golden Crackle Paste
- Golden Digital Gel Topcoat with UVLS
- Golden Extra Heavy Gel
- Golden Fiber Paste Medium
- Golden Fluid Matte Medium
- Golden Gesso
- Golden Glass Bead Gel
- Golden Heavy Gel
- Golden High Solid Gel
- GOLDEN Isolation Coat
- Golden Molding Paste
- Golden Open Acrylic Gel
- Golden Open Acrylic Thinner
- Golden Pumice Gel
- Golden Regular Gel
- Golden Retarder Additive
- Golden Silkscreen Medium
- Golden Soft Gel
Liqitex Acrylic Mediums
- Liqitex Flow-Aid Medium
- Liquitex Acrylic Texture Gel
- Liquitex Airbrush Medium
- Liquitex Basics Gesso
- Liquitex Fabric Medium
- Liquitex Flexible Modeling Paste
- Liquitex Gesso
- Liquitex Glazing Medium
- Liquitex Gloss Gel
- Liquitex Gloss Heavy Gel
- Liquitex Iridescent Tinting Medium
- Liquitex Liqui-thick Gel Additive Medium
- Liquitex Matte Gel
- Liquitex Matte Medium
- Liquitex Modeling Paste
- Liquitex Pallete Wetting Spray
- Liquitex Pouring Fluid Medium
- Liquitex Super Heavy Gel
- Liquitex Super Heavy Gesso
- Liquitex Ultra Matte Medium
- Liquitex Ultra Matte Medium
- Liquitex Varnish
Golden Acrylic Mediums
- Canvas, Panels, Rolls and Boards
- Clear Coats
- DuroEdge Spray can apron
- Enamel Paint
- Krylon Primers
- Montana MTN Spray Paint
- Montana Spray paint
- Oil Paint
- Paint Acessories
- Watercolor
Acrylic Paint
- Plastic Accessories
- Pliers
- Polishers
- Precision Tools
Proxxon Power Tools
- Cordless hand-held power tools
Hand-held Power Tools 12 V and AC Adapters
- AC Adapter NG 2/S
- AC Adapter NG 5/E
- Complete Glass Engraving Set
- Complete Model Building and Engraving Set
- Engraver GG 12
- Hot Wire Cutter THERMOCUT 12/E
- JigSaw STS 12/E
- MICRO Screwdriver MIS 1
- Pensander PS 13
- Percision Drill Grinder FBS 12/EF
- Proxxon Footswitch FS
- Rotary Tools MICROMOT 50 and 50/E
- Rotary Tools MICROMOT 60, 60/E and 60/EF
- Handheld Tools 110 - 120V
- Proxxon (Discontinued)
- Proxxon Bits & Accessories for Rotary Tools
- Proxxon Lathes and Milling systems
- Proxxon Misc. Tools and Devices
- Proxxon Rotary Tool Attachments
Proxxon Table Top Tools
- Bench Circular Saw KS 115
- Proxxon 2-Speed Scroll Saw DS 400
- Proxxon Bench Drill Press TBM 115
- Proxxon Chop and Miter Saw KGS 80
- Proxxon Disc Sanders
- Proxxon Hotwire Cutter THERMOCUT
- Proxxon MICRO Woodturning Lathe DB 250
- Proxxon MICRO-Bandsaw MBS 115/E
- Proxxon Scroll Saw DS 115/E
- Proxxon Table Saw FET
- System Attatchments for Hand-Held Power Tools
- Replacement Needles
- Sanding
- Scissors
- Specialty Cutter
- Square Tools
- Tweezers
- School Kits
- Services
- Shipable Boards
Drafting Supplies
- Beam Compass
- Books
- Compass
- Curves
- Dividers
- Drafting Accessories
- Drafting Boards
- Drafting Tape/Dots
- Erasers
- Lead Holders
- Lead Pointers
- Lead Refills
- Paper Media
- Parallel Bars
- Pencils - Mechanical
- Pencils - Wooden
- Pens/Liners
- Pins
- Portfolios
- Protractors
- Rulers/Scales
- Sharpeners
- Storage
- Technical Pens
- Templates
- Triangles
- T-Squares
- Ultrasonic Cleaner
- How to order
- Chartpak Markers
- Copic Markers
- Marvy Uchida
- OLO Premium Markers
- Posca
- Pica
- Printmaking
- Storage
Model Building Supplies
- 3D printing Filament PLA
- 3M Bondo
- Acrylic Rods and Tubes
- Casting Materials
- Foam (Extruded Polystyrene)
- LEGO Architecture Sets
- Metal
- Paper and Board Materials
- Plastic Sheets
- Plastic Styrene Shapes
- Scale Cars
- Scale Landscaping Material
- Scale People
Tamiya Model Supplies
- God Hand
- God Hand Sg Series 01
- Tamiya Bottle Paints
- Tamiya Models
- Tamiya oil
Tamiya Paint Accessories
- Tamiya Airbrush Cleaner and Brushes
- Tamiya Cement
- Tamiya Cotton Swabs
- Tamiya Masking Tape
- Tamiya Palettes and Brushes
- Tamiya Panel Liner
- Tamiya Pipette Set
- Tamiya Polishing Compound Sponges
- Tamiya Primers
- Tamiya Putty
- Tamiya Sanding Sponges
- Tamiya Thinners
- Tamiya Tools and Accessories
- Tamiya Weathering Sets
- Tamiya Paint retarder
- Tamiya Spray Paints
- Transparency Film
- Warhammer Model Supplies
- Wood Material
- Worbla
Model Tools
- 3m Masks
- Acrylic Solvent Cement (IPS Acrylic Glue)
- Aleene's Tacky Glue
- Best-Test Cement
- Cyanoacrylate (CA) Glues
- Decoupage Glue
- E6000
- Elmer Glues & Adhesives
- Foam Glues
- Glue Guns and Glue Sticks
- Hardman Epoxy
- Mod Podge
- PH Neutral Adhesive
- Sobo Premium Craft & Fabric Glue
- Spray Mounts
- Stick Glue
- Tape
- Titebond Glues & Adhesives
- Airbrushes
- Applicators
- Burnishers & Pounce Wheels
- Clamps
Clay Tools
Art Alternatives
- Art Alternatives Artist Work Knives
- Art Alternatives Boxwood Modeling Tools
- Art Alternatives Clay Tools sets
- Art Alternatives Clean-Up Tool
- Art Alternatives Double Ball Stylus Embossing Tool
- Art Alternatives Fettling Knife
- Art Alternatives Lace Tool
- Art Alternatives Professional Needle Tool
- Art Alternatives Puncher Set
- Art Alternatives Ribbon and Loop Sculpting Tools
- Art Alternatives Rubber Texture Combs Set
- Art Alternatives Scratch Wire Brush
- Art Alternatives Sculpting & Armature Wire
- Art Alternatives Stainless Steel Calipers
- Art Alternatives Stainless Steel Serrated Scraper
- Art Alternatives Wipe Out Tools
- Art Alternatives Wire Clay Cutter
- Plastic Modeling Tools
- Potter's Finishing Ribs
Art Alternatives
- Cleaners
- Cosplay tools
- Cutting Mats
- Cutting Rulers
- Drill Bits
- EchoTech Ultra Cutter Zo series
- Foamboard Cutters
- Grex
- Handle Knives
- Heaters
- Hinges
- Hot Wire Foam Factory
- Knives
- Measuring
- Mitre Box and Saw Blades
Paints and Primers
Acrylic Paint
Golden Acrylic Mediums
- Golden Acrylic Gloss Glazing Liquid
- Golden Acrylic Ground
- Golden Acrylic Polymers
- Golden Acrylic Varnishes
- Golden Acrylic Wetting Agents
- Golden Airbrush Medium
- Golden Clear Granular Gel
- Golden Clear Leveling Gel
- Golden Crackle Paste
- Golden Digital Gel Topcoat with UVLS
- Golden Extra Heavy Gel
- Golden Fiber Paste Medium
- Golden Fluid Matte Medium
- Golden Gesso
- Golden Glass Bead Gel
- Golden Heavy Gel
- Golden High Solid Gel
- GOLDEN Isolation Coat
- Golden Molding Paste
- Golden Open Acrylic Gel
- Golden Open Acrylic Thinner
- Golden Pumice Gel
- Golden Regular Gel
- Golden Retarder Additive
- Golden Silkscreen Medium
- Golden Soft Gel
Liqitex Acrylic Mediums
- Liqitex Flow-Aid Medium
- Liquitex Acrylic Texture Gel
- Liquitex Airbrush Medium
- Liquitex Basics Gesso
- Liquitex Fabric Medium
- Liquitex Flexible Modeling Paste
- Liquitex Gesso
- Liquitex Glazing Medium
- Liquitex Gloss Gel
- Liquitex Gloss Heavy Gel
- Liquitex Iridescent Tinting Medium
- Liquitex Liqui-thick Gel Additive Medium
- Liquitex Matte Gel
- Liquitex Matte Medium
- Liquitex Modeling Paste
- Liquitex Pallete Wetting Spray
- Liquitex Pouring Fluid Medium
- Liquitex Super Heavy Gel
- Liquitex Super Heavy Gesso
- Liquitex Ultra Matte Medium
- Liquitex Ultra Matte Medium
- Liquitex Varnish
Golden Acrylic Mediums
- Canvas, Panels, Rolls and Boards
- Clear Coats
- DuroEdge Spray can apron
- Enamel Paint
- Krylon Primers
- Montana MTN Spray Paint
- Montana Spray paint
- Oil Paint
- Paint Acessories
- Watercolor
Acrylic Paint
- Plastic Accessories
- Pliers
- Polishers
- Precision Tools
Proxxon Power Tools
- Cordless hand-held power tools
Hand-held Power Tools 12 V and AC Adapters
- AC Adapter NG 2/S
- AC Adapter NG 5/E
- Complete Glass Engraving Set
- Complete Model Building and Engraving Set
- Engraver GG 12
- Hot Wire Cutter THERMOCUT 12/E
- JigSaw STS 12/E
- MICRO Screwdriver MIS 1
- Pensander PS 13
- Percision Drill Grinder FBS 12/EF
- Proxxon Footswitch FS
- Rotary Tools MICROMOT 50 and 50/E
- Rotary Tools MICROMOT 60, 60/E and 60/EF
- Handheld Tools 110 - 120V
- Proxxon (Discontinued)
- Proxxon Bits & Accessories for Rotary Tools
- Proxxon Lathes and Milling systems
- Proxxon Misc. Tools and Devices
- Proxxon Rotary Tool Attachments
Proxxon Table Top Tools
- Bench Circular Saw KS 115
- Proxxon 2-Speed Scroll Saw DS 400
- Proxxon Bench Drill Press TBM 115
- Proxxon Chop and Miter Saw KGS 80
- Proxxon Disc Sanders
- Proxxon Hotwire Cutter THERMOCUT
- Proxxon MICRO Woodturning Lathe DB 250
- Proxxon MICRO-Bandsaw MBS 115/E
- Proxxon Scroll Saw DS 115/E
- Proxxon Table Saw FET
- System Attatchments for Hand-Held Power Tools
- Replacement Needles
- Sanding
- Scissors
- Specialty Cutter
- Square Tools
- Tweezers
- School Kits
- Services
- Shipable Boards

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- Paper Media >
- Sketching >
- Cottonwood Arts >
- Cottonwood Arts Vellum Paper Dot Matrix
Cottonwood Arts Vellum Paper Dot Matrix
It's such a pain to do traditional overlays. You need to cut out individual pieces of transparent paper (and make sure it's to size), tape it to your underlay, and of course, make sure you don't lose a single sheet.
Now it's even better! We added dots to our brilliant white paper to give you even more accuracy for when you need it.
Created just for educational and drafting purposes, the F- series is designed to lend a helping hand for all your overlay needs (without the hassle). Create, adjust and repeat!
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