• 1324 S. Flower St
  • Los Angeles, CA 90015
  • Tel: 213.663.1400


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Mon - Fri 11:00AM - 4:00PM

 Sat 11:00AM - 3:00PM

Closed Sunday



Original Store ! Carpe Diem:

3820 Valley Blvd Suite i, Walnut, CA 91789



UN-CURE™ debonder will soften cured CA. If parts are bonded incorrectly or your fingers are stuck together, a few drops of UN-CURE™ will dissolve the CA in about a minute. Apply on bonded skin and roll apart fingers. Once stuck, use acetone to clean off softened CA, then wash off with soap and water. Since cured CA is essentially acrylic plastic, anything that will dissolve CA will also soften most plastics. Care must be used, therefore, when using Un-Cure on plastics. Separating plastics parts with a razor saw is usually the best option.

  • Softens cured CA
  • Few drops will dissolve CA in about a minute



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