• 1324 S. Flower St
  • Los Angeles, CA 90015
  • Tel: 213.663.1400


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Mon - Fri 11:00AM - 4:00PM

 Sat 11:00AM - 3:00PM

Closed Sunday



Original Store ! Carpe Diem:

3820 Valley Blvd Suite i, Walnut, CA 91789


NWSL The Bender

A miniature press bending brake to bend brass, styrene or similar light sheet materials used in model buildings up to 90 degrees (depending on how far you tighten the press screws). Up to 3" bed length (exact usable length depends on material hardness and your strength) of up to .020" of hard brass. Adjustable depth guide permits easy, quick duplication of bend placement. Includes reversable steel die, optional urethane die material (permits bends without marring material surface) and operating suggestions.