• 1324 S. Flower St
  • Los Angeles, CA 90015
  • Tel: 213.663.1400


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Mon - Fri 11:00AM - 4:00PM

 Sat 11:00AM - 3:00PM

Closed Sunday



Original Store ! Carpe Diem:

3820 Valley Blvd Suite i, Walnut, CA 91789


Excel Utility Saw Blades

Excel Mitre Saw Blades — Cutting blades ideal for miniature work

The perfect blades for cutting modeling materials such as: balsa wood, plastic and thin metal. Never take on a model making project without the help of Excel Mitre Saw blades to get it done right and fast. Available in various teeth types for a more refined usage. All Saw Blades Fit: K2, K5, K6 Handle Knives.